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Being an introvert, January is my favorite month of the year. The bustle of the holidays are behind me. Relief from my concentrated attention on family and friends is on the horizon. It's at this time that I give myself permission to think about myself. When left with devotion to my own thoughts and concerns, I find the cares of mundane life fall by the wayside. I become receptive to a language that my authentic self longs to hear. I wonder about what's really important in life. It's not a tally of holiday cards from the previous month. Or a list of New Year's resolutions that I have no intention of fulfilling. It's about finding joy in meaningful ways.

Events of the past year have prompted me to move from my comfort seat and participate more fully in the world I help to create. I accept responsibility for "falling asleep at the wheel" and choose to commit myself to making a difference in my communities. I don't know what that will look like, but I do know that I can't go back to what was. I can't give my power away and expect other people to solve the challenges of our world. What I can do is be a part of the solution. What I can be is the hero I have been waiting for.


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